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2012-02-21 16:25:02  来源:中国教育在线

I. Multiple Choices: (20%)

Directions:In this section, you are given 20 questions, beneath each of which arefour choices marked A, B,C and D. You are to make the best choice either tocomplete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is givento each correct choice.

1.According to the records available, human beings have been involved in thestudy of language for ___________ years.

A.1,000  B.1,500

C.2,000  D.2,500

2.By the mid-_________ the upheaval in linguistics and psycholinguistics createdby Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar had begun to affect languagepedagogy.

A.1940s  B.1950s

C.1960s  D.1970s

3.The Natural Approach believes that the teaching of _________ should be delayeduntil comprehension skills are established.

A.listening  B.speaking

C.reading  D.writing

4.The generative-transformational school of linguistics emerged through theinfluence of __________ .

A.Noam Chomsky  B.J. Piaget

C.D. Ausubel  D.J.B. Bruner

5.In foreign language teaching, the target language was interpreted as a systemof rules to be observed in texts and sentences, and to be related to the firstlanguage __________ and meaning.

A.words  B.rules

C.sentences  D.context

6.In the 19th century, the strategy in language teaching usuallyadopted by foreign language teachers was the _______ of grammar rules withtranslation.

A.introduction  B.interpretation

C.comprehension  D.combination

7.In the Direct Method, teachers encourage learners to _______ rules of grammarthrough active use of the target language in the classroom.

A.apply  B.analyze

C.induce  D.paraphrase

8._________can be introduced as a means of consolidation and evaluation in theDirect Method.

A.Reading  B.Listening

C.Speaking  D.Writing

9.The psychological theory underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was_________ Psychology.

A.Developmental  B.Child

C.Faculty  D.Adult

10.In the opinion of Palmer and some other linguists of his time, _________ playedone of the most important roles in foreign language learning.

A.grammar  B.phonetics

C.vocabulary  D.rhetoric

11._________ is NOT one of the systematic principles the Oral Approach involves?

A.Selection  B.Translation

C.Gradation  D.Presentation

12.In which book did Skinner apply the theory of conditioning to the way humansacquire language?

A. Lado English Series  B.Toward a Theory of Instruction

C. Language Teaching Analysis  D.Verbal Behavior

13.According to the behaviorist, a _________ is formed when a correct response toa stimulus is consistently rewarded.

A.meaning  B.word

C.habit  D.reaction

14.Materials in the Audiolingual Method are primarily _________.

A.instruction-oriented  B.student-oriented

C.teacher-oriented  D.habit-oriented

15._________ is NOT discussed in the book ForeignLanguage Teaching Methodology?

A.The nature of foreign language teaching methodology

B.The history of foreign language teaching

C.Theories of foreign language teaching methodology

D.The history of the English language

16.Piaget saw cognitive development as essentially a process of __________ withinwhich genetics and experience interact.

A.maturation  B.accommodation

C.comprehension  D.assimilation

17.Georgi Lozanov asserts that the reason for our inefficiency is that we__________.

A.lay too much emphasis on oral performance

B.ignore the needs of learners

C.set up psychological barriers to learning

D.give students little room and time to learn

18.Krashen believes that acquisition of a language refers to the __________process leading to the development of competence and is not dependent on theteaching of grammatical rules.

A.conscious  B.unconscious

C.overconscious  D.subconscious

19.Anotherlinguistic theory of communication favored in Communication Language Teachingis _________ functional account of language use.

A.Chomsky’s  B.Hymes’s

C.Candlin’s  D.Halliday’s

20.With regard to syllabus design, the Communicative Approach lays specialemphasis on _________ .

A.authentic materials  B.learners’ needs

C.meaningful drills  D.teachers’ roles

II. Filling Blanks: (20%)

Directions:In this section, there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to filleach blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.

21._________ was a language of communication that people widely studied in theWestern world before the 16th century.

22.In Malinowski’s opinion, an utterance has no _________ at all if it is out ofthe context of situation.

23.Behaviorism believes that basic learning processes could be described in termsof stimuli and_________.

24.Some linguists thought that all languages originated from one language and wereruled by a common _________ .

25.The combination of structural linguistic theory, aural-oral procedures, andbehaviorist psychology led to the _________ Method.

26.The formula __________, advocated by Krashen, means input that containsstructures slightly above the learner’s present level.

27.In the Direct Method, the target language is used _________in the languageclassroom as a means of instruction and communication.

28.In a suggestopaedic course, direct and indirect positive _________ are made toenhance students’ self-confidence and to convince them that success isattainable.

29.Chomsky divides the grammar of a natural language into __________ grammar andperipheral grammar.

30.The Direct Method advocates the importance of oral language and believes thatlanguage should be learned through direct ______ of form and meaning.

31.The Direct Method believes in the _______ process of language learning and inthe inductive teaching of grammar.

32.The Oral Approach believes in a theory of learning that is based on a type ofbehaviorist _______theory.

33.The Cognitive Approach lays emphasis on innate organizing principles in humanperception and______.

34.In a typical Audiolingual lesson the following procedures can be observed:recognition, imitation and repetition, _______ drills, and follow-upactivities.

35.At the level of classroom teaching, the Communicative Approach holds thatactivities should provide opportunities for learners to __________ thelanguage.

36.The Cognitive Approach holds that learning a language is a process of acquiring__________control of the phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns of asecond language, largely through study and analysis of these patterns as a bodyof knowledge.

37.Krashen sees the learner’s emotional state or attitudes as an adjustable____________ that freely passes or blocks input necessary to acquisition.

38.Gattegno anticipates that using the Silent Way would require most teachers tochange their perception of their _________.

39.Community Language Learning advises teachers to consider their students as“whole persons”; therefore, the method is sometimes cited as an example of a“__________ approach”.

40.British linguists of structuralism believed that _________ in a language wererule-governed.

III. Matching: (10 %)

Directions:This section consists of two groups of pairs listed in two columns, A andB. You are to match the one marked 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 in Column A with the onemarked a, b, c, d or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you matchcorrectly.

41A: advantage or disadvantage associated with the feature

B: main features of the Grammar-Translation Method

1. few demands on teachers

a. priority of literary language

2. language learned unable to meet the

practical needs of learners

b. emphasis on reading and writing

3. better understanding of abstract words

c. native language being the main medium of instruction

4. a good mastery of the grammar system of

the target language helpful for teacher-to-be


d. translation being the principal practice technique

5. little attention to speaking or listening

e. emphasis on the teaching of the second language grammar

42.The Cognitive Approach



1. theory of languag

a. recognition of the decisive role of the learner in foreign language learning

2. theory of learning

b. the learner’s control of the language in all its manifestation as a coherent and meaningful system

3. one of the objectives

c. cognitive psychology

4. one of the techniques

d. physical response

5. one of the main features

e. transformational grammar

IV. Questions forBrief Answers: (30%)

Directions:This section has sixquestions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points are given to eachquestion.

43. Give atleast five techniques a Grammar-Translation teacher usually uses to helprealize the course objectives.

44. What arethe four points summarized by Tang Lixing on the methodological developmentbefore the 1980s in China?

45. What arethe five hypotheses of the monitor theory?

46. Why isthe Oral Approach sometimes referred to as the Situational Approach?

47. Why is alanguage lab considered essential in an Audiolingual classroom?

48. Whatshould a Natural Approach teacher do when the learner is ready to start talkingin the target language?

V. Questions for LongAnswers: (20%)

Directions:The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your ownteaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you've learned. Tenpoints are given to each question.

49. What advantages can be found in the DirectMethod?

50. What are the main features of theCommunicative Approach?






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