13.What are some of the main stages of a lesson?
Here are some of the main stages of a lesson:
a.Presentation:The teacher presents new words or structures,gives examples,writes them on the board,etc.
b.Practice:Students practice using words or structures in a controlled way.Practice can be oral or written.
c.Production:Students use language they have learnt to express themselves more freely.Like practice,production can be oral or written.
d.Reading:Students read a text and answer questions or do a simple task.
e.Listening:The teacher reads a text or dialogue while the students listen and answer questions,or the students listen to the tape.
f.Revision:The teacher reviews language learnt in an earlier lesson,to refresh the students’memories,or as a preparation for a new presentation.<0225>
14.What is the focus of a Grammar-Translation classroom?
The focus of a Grammar-Translation Method is grammar.The process of learning grammar is considered an important means of training mental abilities.The teaching materials are arranged according to the grammatical system.
15.What language skills are emphasized by the Grammar-translation Method?
Reading and writing are emphasized because literary language is regarded as superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.This emphasis on reading and writing skills also results from the purpose of learning Latin:to read and translate the classical literature of Latin.