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2018-02-27 14:07:34  来源:中国教育在线


You are planning to work toward an M.A.degree in a college or university. Write an application to that institution. In your letter, provide the necessary information about yourself tell them you want to study library science and ask them to send you the necessary materials and relevant information.

May 6,2001

Dear sir,

I’m interested in working towards an M.A.degree in the field of Library Science. I am very interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree. Library Science has always interested me. My main emphasis has been on the study of the Management of the Libraries.

As a undergraduate, I managed to get fairly high grades. I shall graduate at the top of my class. I have also participated in the preparation of several papers which were written by my faculty advisor, Dr. Li. In addition, I feel that I have a good command of the English language which will enable me to pursue my studies without having much trouble with a language barrier(障碍).

I would appreciate if you would forward the necessary materials and relevant information at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely Yours,



Write a letter of complaint. In your letter you should describe or report the matter at issue; make some form of complaint and demand a solution or compensation for the problem.

September 25,2000


I am aware of your reputation for quality products plus reliability; consequently I do not hesitate to write to you.

For the past two years, my tow sons, ages eight and ten, have enjoyed your Electronic Hockey Game. The other day, a welded joint gave way and rendered the game absolutely useless. It was the joint that connects the side to the top of the game, and without it the playing area is too unstable for kind of action the game generates.

The purpose of the letter is to ask your permission to send you the set for re-welding.

Rainy days become quite dull for them without that game, so I trust I shall hear from you soon.

Very truly yours,

Howard Gerber

Write a letter of thanks to someone who showed hospitality to you during your visit abroad. In your letter you should express your thanks and your hope to do something in reciprocate.(150-200)

July 16,2000

Dear Prof. Smith,

Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honour you showed me during my recent visit your country. It was thoughtful of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and learned scholars in your country. I have learned a lot from them. I returned to China safe and sound last Friday, and have resumed my work now.

I hope you will some day visit our country with its ancient history and beautiful scenery, and give us some lectures on “Modern English Literature”.

Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something for you in China.

With best wishes, I remain,

Yours sincerely,

David Li






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