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2013-02-04 13:45:33  来源:中国教育在线




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Ⅰ. Basic Theories and Principles (20%, 2 points for each)

Directions: Choose the best answer for the following questions and blacken your answers on the Answer Sheet.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT a Krashen’ description of the Natural Order of language learning?

A. The learner’s listening skills are developed first.

B. The learner’s speaking skills are developed following the learner’s listening.

C. Reading will be formally taught and finally writing will be taught after adequate reading input have taken place.

D. This order is not based on acquiring our first language acquisition.

2. Which of the following statements can NOT show the “authenticity” in a language classroom?

A. The use of authentic materials.

B. The teacher speaking authentically to the students.

C. Decorating language classroom as a home.

D. Design authentic classroom activities.

3. Which of the following activities is NOT a kind of post-reading activities?

A. Getting the gist of the text.

B. Retelling the story of the text.

C. Writing a summary of the main content of the text.

D. Oral discussion of the topic of the text.

4. The listener’s response is a commonly-used criterion to measure the complexity of a listening task. According to it, all listening tasks fall into four categories. Which of the following items does NOT belong to the categories?

A. those requiring no response B. those requiring short responses

C. those requiring longer responses D. those requiring more time

5. Which of the following word has a positive connotation?

A. arrogant B. stubborn

C. mean D. generous

6. Which of the following elements is NOT included in the procedure of a lesson?

A. their organization B. objectives of a lesson

C. its activities D. their timing

7. Successful teaching emphasizes the follow items EXCEPT ______.

A. cooperation B. pleasure

C. marks D. intrinsic motivation

8. Which of the following statements is NOT the features of spoken language?

A. It is characterized by broken grammar, false starts, hesitation, fillers, etc.

B. Its organization is largely unplanned.

C. It is produced with a high proportion of repetition or redundancy.

D. It has a high density of information.

9. In which of the following activities does the teacher assume the role of a controller?

A. To elicit ideas from the students.

B. To give feedback and organize peer correction.

C. To be a participant in group work.

D. To conduct a drilling exercise.

10. A descriptive grammar ______.

A. describes what should be used to produce accurate utterances.

B. describes what should be avoided in producing accurate utterances.

C. describes the way the accurate language is used.

D. describes the way the language is presently being used




Ⅱ. Problem Solving (30%, 10 points for each)

DIRECTIONS: Situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles and explain in details. And write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

11. An example of syllabus is presented in the following. Please read and judge which kind of syllabuses it is and then list the other four kinds of syllabuses.

A case of syllabus

Unit 1 Reading I    a) Skimming

        b) Scanning

      c) Working out the meaning of words

Unit 2 Writing II   a) Identifying and creating topic sentences

      b) Composing general statements with supporting examples

       c) Identifying and using linking expressions

12. Inductive and deductive are the most common methods of grammar teaching. First, judge whether one is better than the other, and then describe them.

13. In communicative language teaching, role-play activities are often used. So it is very important for us to know the purpose and basic kinds of role-play activities in order to use them well in our teaching. Please explain the purpose of doing role-play activities and then list three kinds of role-play activities and give one example only for any of the three.

Ⅲ. Mini-lesson Plan (50%)

DIRECTIONS: Read the following text carefully and complete the teaching plan. And then write it on the Answer Sheet.

14. The text is selected from STUDENTS’ BOOK of Grade 7 for Junior II. Please design a teaching plan with the text.

Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school. He gets up at six o’clock every day, showers and has a quick breakfast. Then he leaves for school at round six-thirty. First, he rides his bicycle to the bus station. That takes about ten minutes. Then the early bus takes him to school. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.

Your lesson plan should include the following aspects:

Lesson Plan:

(1)Name(s) of activity(ies)

(2)Objective(s) of the activity(ies)

(3)Type(s) of the activity(ies)

(4)Classroom organization of the activities

(5)Teacher’s role(s)

(6)Students’ role(s)

(7)Teacher working time

(8)Student working time

(9)Teaching aid(s)

(10)Predicated problem(s)




A. Pre-

B. While-

C. Post-






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