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2012-05-25 13:39:27  来源:中国教育在线





1. The man in the store won’t change money for him ______ he buys something.

A. if   B. or

C. but   D. unless

2. The old harbor is still full of pleasant atmosphere and well worth ______.

A. visit   B. to visit

C. to be visited   D. visiting

3. The car often breaks down and we must have it ______ thoroughly.

A. check   B. checked

C. to check   D. checking

4. If she ______ here last night, I would have told her the good news.

A. came   B. had come

C. would come   D. was coming

5. Can you tell me ______ about this city that makes people love it so much?

A. it is what   B. what it is

C. what is it   D. is it what

6. By the time you get to the shopping mall, the stores ______.

A. have been closed   B. are to be closed

C. will have been closed   D. are being closed

7. ______ , our next step is to determine how to carry it out.

A. Having made the plan   B. Making the plan

C. The plan is being made   D. The plan having been made

8. Some English words can have different meanings depending on the ______ in which they are used.

A. context   B. contact

C. content   D. contrast

9. It ______ artificial, but at that price what can you expect?

A. eats   B. flavors

C. chews   D. tastes

10. I ______ hope that these very unfortunate people will not be forgotten.

A. sincerely   B. seriously

C. honestly   D. frankly

11. We had to ______ a lot of noise when the children were at home.

A. come up with   B. catch up with

C. put up with   D. keep up with

12. When I was eighteen I was independent ______ my parents.

A. on   B. of

C. to   D. with

13. The water was so clear that it ______ the trees on the river bank.

A. shadowed   B. presented

C. reflected   D. shaded

14. In this advanced course students must take objective tests at monthly ______.

A. length   B. period

C. intervals   D. gaps

15. The ______ majority of people do not actually attend sports events, but see them through the eyes of the media.

A. main   B. wide

C. big   D. vast


Bridge is a structure used by people and vehicles to cross areas that are obstacles to travel. Without bridges, people would need   16   to cross waterways and would have to travel around such obstacles   17   canyons and valleys.

Bridges range   18   from a few feet or meters to several miles or kilometers. A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight   19   the weight of the people and vehicles that use it. It must also   20   natural occurrences, including earthquakes, strong winds, and changes in temperature.

Most bridges are held up by at least two supports set in the ground. The   21   between two adjacent supports is called a span of a bridge. The supports at each   22   of the bridge are called abutments (桥墩), and the supports that   23   between the two abutments are called piers. Most short bridges are supported only by abutments and are known as   24   -span bridges. Bridges that have one or more piers   25   the abutments are called multi-span bridges. Most long bridges are multi-span bridges. The main span is the longest span of a multi-span bridge.

Suspension bridges (吊桥) are perhaps the most   26   type of bridge because of their long main span and especially attractive   27   . These bridges have a roadway that hangs from steel cables that are supported by two high towers. Suspension bridges are used to   28   great distances. They are also used to cross deep water or steep canyons, and in other places   29   the construction of piers is especially difficult and   30   . These bridges require only two piers, each of which supports a tower.

16. A. buses   B. planes   C. trains   D. boats

17. A. like   B. as   C. with   D. to

18. A. in height   B. in depth   C. in length   D. in width

19. A. as well as   B. by means of   C. except for   D. according to

20. A. prevent   B. resist   C. beat   D. fight

21. A. space   B. extent  C. distance   D. stretch

22. A. end   B. side   C. way   D. part

23. A. run   B. remain   C. stay   D. stand

24. A. sole   B. unique   C. single   D. simple

25. A. in proportion to   B. in addition to  C. in place of   D. in front of

26. A. impressive   B. expressive   C. productive   D. constructive

27. A. existence   B. appearance   C. quality   D. ability

28. A. measure   B. move   C. extend   D. span

29. A. while   B. when   C. where   D. which

30. A. profitable   B. practical   C. necessary   D. expensive


31. Many apparently naive inquiries like why grass is green, or why the Sun is round, or why we need 55,000 nuclear weapons in the world—are really deep questions. The answers can be a gateway to real insights.

A. ...The answers are accurate in meaning.

B. …The answers can lead us to new findings.

C. …The answers are the key to great human achievements.

D. …The answers can help us get a deep understanding of things.

32. Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very ideal of heroism is something beyond us—an artifact of the past.

A. …extraordinary heroes are rare...

B. …we can never become as good as heroes...

C. …heroism is a complex concept and hard to grasp...

D. …the underlying meaning of heroism is hard to understand...

33. “An artist’s heart is his head,” replied Trevor; “and besides, our business is to show the world as we see it, not to make it better.

A. …the artist’s duty is to reflect the reality, not to improve it.

B. …the artist’s job is to make drawings of the earth instead of other planets.

C. …the artist’s business is to paint anything real, not to use his imagination.

D. ...the artist’s responsibility is to create images rather than reflecting the reality.

34. It [getting my Berlin diaries out] was risky, but life in the Third Reich had always been risky. It was worth a try.

A. I would try it, although it was very dangerous, just like life in the Third Reich.

B. I would try it, although it might make my life in the Third Reich more dangerous.

C. No matter how dangerous life in the Third Reich was, I would get my Berlin diaries out.

D. The dangerous life in the Third Reich would be unforgettable if I could get my Berlin diaries out.

35. These hands spoke of the stubbornness of mankind.

A. These hands referred to the hard work and power of mankind.

B. These hands demonstrated the wisdom and diligence of mankind.

C. These hands represented the rigidness and inflexibility of mankind.

D. These hands showed the perseverance and determination of mankind.

36. Even when you have doubts about some people, act as if they are worthy of your best manners.

A. Although some people are rude to you, you should still be polite to them.

B. Even when you suspect some people, behave courteously as if you like them.

C. Even when you are not sure whether some people deserve your politeness, treat them as if they do.

D. Although you don’t trust some people, you should show your politeness to them as if they are trustworthy.

37. We won’t have to do any entertaining—the liquor bills alone are alwaysstaggering at Christmas.

A. …the amount of money spent on liquor is fixed at Christmas.

B. …we have to pay a lot of money just for liquor at Christmas.

C. …we are only surprised at the liquor bills at Christmas.

D. …the price of liquor is very high at Christmas.

38. His reaction indicates to me that I actually stand a chance of coming up with aworkable design [of a bomb].

A. …a bomb will be produced according to my design.

B. …designing a bomb will give me a chance of working.

C. …I have a chance of working on a bomb to be exploded.

D. …it is possible for me to design a bomb that can be exploded.

39. I was blessed with a rare determination to make something of myself.

A. …I had a strong determination to begin a new life.

B. …I had a great confidence in myself to become rich.

C. …fortunately I was exceptionally determined to succeed.

D. …naturally I was extremely confident to rely on nobody but myself.

40. It was a hard, stubborn landbut people in those difficult places do notforget the law of hospitality to the stranger—for their God may decree that they too shall become strangers on the face of the earth. 

A. Though their conditions were difficult to change, people of those places tried to show their kindness to strangers...

B. Though the people in those places were as stubborn as their land, they were hospitable to strangers...

C. The land was difficult to farm, but people there never failed to be kind and friendly to strangers...

D. It was very unusual for people in those poor places to treat strangers so warmly...


Passage One

My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch (女首领) of our New York family back in the 1950s.

When I was five years old, she invited some friends and relatives to her Bronx apartment for a party. Among the guests was a neighborhood big shot who was doing well in business. His wife was proud of their social status and let everyone at the party know it. They had a little girl about my age who was spoiled and very much used to getting her own way.

Grandmother spent a lot of time with the big shot and his family. She considered them the most important members of her social circle and worked hard at currying their favor.

At one point during the party, I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in. I was still sitting down.

“Don’t you know that little girls aren’t supposed to come into the bathroom when a little boy is using it!?” I shouted loudly.

The surprise of my being there, along with the indignation I had heaped upon her, stunned the little girl. Then she started to cry. She quickly closed the door, ran to the kitchen, and tearfully complained to her parents and my grandmother.

Most of the partygoers had overheard my loud remark and were greatly amused by it. But not Grandmother.

She was waiting for me when I left the bathroom. I received the longest, sharpest tongue-lashing of my young life. Grandmother yelled that I was impolite and rude and that I had insulted that nice little girl. The guests watched and drew back in absolute silence. So forceful was my grandmother’s personality that no one dared stand up for me.

After her scolding speech was over and I had been dismissed, the party continued, but the atmosphere was much tenser. 

Twenty minutes later, all that changed. Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a stream of water flowing out from under the door.

She shrieked twice—first in astonishment, then in rage. She flung open the bathroom door and saw that the sink and tub were plugged up and that the faucets (水龙头) were going at full blast.

Everyone knew who the criminal was. The guests quickly formed a protective barricade around me, but Grandmother was so furious that she almost got to me anyway, waving her arms as if trying to swim over the crowd.

Several strong men eventually moved her away and calmed her down, although she was still hot with anger for quite a while. 

My grandfather took me by the hand and sat me on his lap in a chair near the window. He was a kind and gentle man, full of wisdom and patience. Rarely did he raise his voice to anyone, and never did he argue with his wife or resist her wishes.

He looked at me with much curiosity, not at all angry or upset. “Tell me,” he asked, “why did you do it?”

“Well, she yelled at me for nothing,” I said earnestly. “Now she’s got something to yell about.” 

Grandfather didn’t speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling.

“Eric,” he said at last, “you are my revenge.”

41. The phrase “currying their favor” in Paragraph 3 probably means ______.

A. standing on their side   B. winning their support

C. getting their attention   D. begging their forgiveness

42. How did the partygoers react when they noticed what happened in the bathroom between Eric and the little girl?

A. They didn’t take the incident seriously.

B. They anticipated the grandmother’s anger.

C. They accused the boy of being rude to the girl.

D. They blamed the girl for her offensive behavior.

43. According to the writer, what spoiled the atmosphere of the party?

A. The sharp scolding from Grandmother.

B. The indifference showed by the partygoers.

C. The strong protest from the five-year-old boy.

D. The undesirable behavior of the big shot family.

44. Which of the following happened first?

A. Grandmother shrieked in great shock.

B. Grandmother exploded in huge madness.

C. Water streamed out from under the bathroom door.

D. Faucets in the bathroom were turned on at full burst.

45. What can we learn from the last sentence of the story?

A. It was unfair for Grandfather to have such a mischievous grandson.

B. It was hard for Grandfather to understand the boy’s protest.

C. Grandfather implied his approval for the boy’s behavior.

D. Grandfather was as hot-tempered as Grandmother.

Passage Two

Our success, satisfaction and general happiness in life is not dependent on what happens to us but how we deal with it.

You will probably know yourself from personal experience what a difference your attitude can make when, for example, you’re returning faulty goods or making a complaint. An open, polite and friendly approach, expecting a satisfactory result, normally results in one as people tend to respond with a similar attitude. If, however, you present an argument with an angry, accusing tone, expecting trouble, there is little doubt that this is what you’ll get!

Some people see the world through a filter of optimism and some through a filter of pessimism which largely comes down to having a predominantly positive or negative attitude. People who are suffering from a negative attitude primarily think that something can’t be done; they dwell on problems, see all the pitfalls, find fault with and criticize other people and focus on all the things they would like but haven’t got. People blessed with a positive attitude by contrast think that anything is possible, they look for solutions, they see the good in everybody, and they are grateful for all the good things in their lives. Whether suffering from or blessed with your attitude, this is not something that is imposed on us from the outside. We are very much responsible for our own attitude. We all start out with a “clean” slate but this can get muddied by our experiences in life. As children we get ridiculed and bullied, criticized and rejected, start to experience doubt and lose our self-confidence. If this continues into adulthood, it can result in a downward spiral which fuels the fires of a bad attitude in later life.

However, there is a choice. The first step is recognizing that there is a different way to view life. If you feel that a bad attitude is dragging you down, you need to start making a definite effort to see the positive in a situation. It may not be easy in every situation but just start off small. A step in the right direction may just be that you accept an unfortunate situation and move on rather than believing that everything and everyone is conspiring against you to make your life as difficult and unpleasant as possible. We all have moments like that, but luckily, most of the time, we soon see just how unreasonable these thoughts are.

Your attitude impacts on all aspects of your life. When faced with problems and difficulties in life, most peoples’ first response is to complain and wonder why this had to happen to them. This is a natural response and one which might even cross the minds of generally positive people. However, in the face of adversity you must remember that you have a choice. You can wallow in (沉湎于) self-pity and do nothing but complain, or you can start looking for solutions to the problem and start moving on. We all know which is the best way, but sometimes we have to step back from the situation and consciously decide that we’re going to take the positive route even if initially it doesn’t come naturally. Everything gets easier with practice, even being positive. 

The key to what sort of life you live is the recognition that you do have a choice. Everyone’s circumstances are different but we all have this choice. Basically, life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. 

46. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that people are likely to treat others ______.

A. the way they are treated  B. better when they are satisfied

C. worse when they are in trouble  D. the way they consider appropriate

47. According to the writer, what affects people’s life attitude?

A. the situation they face   B. the people around them

C. their expectations of life   D. the way they view the world

48. Which of the following can best replace the word “conspiring” in Paragraph 4?

A. purposefully making preparations

B. successfully encouraging people to fight

C. secretly planning to do something harmful

D. efficiently organizing some unexpected events

49. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A. We can learn to be positive with practice.

B. We have to face hardships in everyday life.

C. It is natural for people to form a negative attitude.

D. It is difficult for people to form a positive attitude.

50. What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?

A. to show how to avoid a negative attitude

B. to describe the effects of a negative attitude

C. to share his positive attitude with his readers

D. to illustrate the importance of a positive attitude


Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. Write your word on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)

51. The author appeared on television to ______ her latest book. (public)

52. It is advisable to take a(n) ______ approach to new ideas. (mind, open)

53. Behavior that is acceptable in one culture may be considered ______ in another. (proper)

54. He was dressed ______ in a sweater, blue trousers, and well-worn brown shoes. (casual)

55. Any business needs ______ against such risks as fire, flood, and earthquake.(insure)

56. Anyone with heat, lung or circulation problems should seek ______advice before flying.


57. It is believed that genius requires 99 percent of hard work and only one percent of ______ .


58. The meeting started reasonably, but soon became filled with ______ , arguing voices. (noise)

59. Men’s never-ceasing search for knowledge continues to ______ our understanding of the earth’s atmosphere. (broad)

60. The mobile phone you have just bought doesn’t look very ______ . (fashion)


Translate the following sentences into English and write your sentences on the answer sheet. (3 points each, 15 points in all)







Write a composition on the answer sheet in about 150 words, basing yourself on one of the texts you have learned. (15 points)

TOPIC: Based on the text “Are You Giving Your Kids Too Much?”,

explain why parents give their children things they cannot

afford. Use the following outline.

·the kinds of things parents give to their children

·the reasons

·your comment on such overindulgence






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