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2011-11-15 15:01:00  来源:中国教育在线

Ⅰ. Put the following terms into English 10%

1. 提单

2. 多国公司

3. 产品生命周期

4. 劳动密集型产业

5. 营销组合

6. 市场份额

7. 销售量

8. 远期汇票

9. 合同条款

10. 付款交单

Ⅱ. Multiple choice 20%

11. An exporter must make it as certain as possible that he will get his money and that payment is not delayed beyond the terms which have been agreed ______.( )

A. to B. with

C. into D. on

12. Insurance companies sell financial protection ______ future loss.( )

A. to B. upon

C. against D. for

13. Since not all members of the narrow target audience read the same magazines, the media planner might employ a range of magazines to reach a larger percentage of the ______ consumer.( )

A. intension B. intended

C. intend D. intending

14. Business as we know today would be impossible if there was no agreement or contract to ______ the contracting parties.( )

A. tie up B. reach

C. conclude D. bind

15. The seller will______ a bill of exchange on the buyer.( )

A. open B. extend

C. draw D. allow

16. The quality and specifications must ______ to the samples you sent us last month.( )

A. conform B. confirm

C. comply D. confront

17. It is more ______ to use the new sailing routes and large-sized containers or the super-tanker which sail around the world.( )

A. economical B. economic

C. economy D. economics

18. There is a very high tariff ______ jewelry.( )

A. about B. to

C. in D. on

19. A clause in the agreement provides ______ the arbitration of all disputes by an independent body.( )

A. forB. against

C. with D. /

20. The practice is ______ to the law of the country. ( )

A. subjected B. subjective

C. subjecting D. subject

21. The imported goods are not competitive ______ the locally produced goods in terms of price.( )

A. for B. with

C. against D. along

22. Strong domestic demand ______ textiles in Japan boosted cotton consumption to nearly 2.9 million bales.( )

A. for B. to

C. from D. about

23. The members of Lloyd’s, working in groups or syndicates, now______ any known form of insurance.( )

A. insure B. include

C. make D. cover

24. The consignment is delivered ______ all the charges paid.( )

A. in B. by

C. with D. through

25. If the target ______ very broad, such as the national market for medium-priced automobiles, the media planner will probably select network television, which has a broad reach.( )

A. is B. will be

C. was D. would be

26. In documentary collection the bank acts on the instructions of the exporter and the exchange of the documents to title takes place at the buyer’s place of business. The underlined “title” means:( )

A. name B. position

C. ownership D. commitment

27. These documents must be submitted ______ the customs of the importing country.( )

A. for B. in

C. at D. to

28. The buyer has the right to choose a preferable mode of ______ the goods.( )

A. giving B. delivering

C. selling D. vending

29. Customs duties ______ from country to country( )

A. happen B. operate

C. vary D. go

30. We agreed ______ more specific payment terms.( )

A. with B. on

C. to D. at

Ⅲ. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of words or phrases listed below and make changes if necessary: 10%

dishonor barrier specialize in stimulate advantage

advantageous exchange mutual consider submit

31. Making payment by L/C is for the _________ benefits of both the buyer and the seller.

32. The competitive price gives the product a big _________over the other products of the same quality.

33. In order to encourage imports and exports, the government has lifted all the foreign trade _________.

34. In compensation trade, the buyers can import what they need without consuming foreign _________.

35. They felt very unhappy to learn that their draft has been _________.

36. The new process should be particularly _________ to small companies.

37. When supply exceeds demand, sellers must lower process to _________ sales.

38. A less lucrative trading market has forced them to_________ making inroads into other unfamiliar sectors in the face of increasing risks and uncertainty.

39. The manager was supposed to _________ the marketing plan before Friday.

40. The company _________ mountain climbing gear.

Ⅳ. Put the following sentences into Chinese. 20%

41. The importing country imposes an import tax upon the imported goods.

42. In the commercial society, everyone is a buyer and a seller as well, we are all directly or indirectly involved in the business.

43. If we are going to promote our products in a strange place, we must study people’s consumption habit carefully so that unnecessary losses can be avoided.

44. Products should be well-packed and clearly marked so that they are not easily crushed or lost in transit.

45. When a bill is dishonored, the bank refuses to give the buyer the bill of lading giving title to the goods.

Ⅴ. Put the following sentences into English. 30%

46. 许多政府建立关税壁垒以抵制舶来品。

47. 近来由于诸多的因素,包装逐渐成了一项重要的营销手段。

48. 通过这些计划, 该银行参与了发展中国家的经济发展项目。

49. 除了巨大的成本外,该项目也会花费很多时间。

50. 同样,由谁来订立保险合同取决于销售合同条款中的规定。

51. 进口商要求自己的银行向出口商国家的通知行或代理行开出信用证。

Ⅵ. Reading comprehension 10%

Contracts are often classified as either contracts by specialty or simple contracts. Another class of obligations, sometimes referred to as contracts of record, are conclusive legal obligations created by the judgment or order of a court of record.

Contracts by specialty depend for their validity on the formality of their execution. They are required to be written, sealed, and delivered by the party to be bound thereby. The usual form of specialty contract is a covenant. A bond, although in form an acknowledgment of indebtedness instead of a promise to pay, has always, been regarded and classified as a specialty contract. Contracts by specialty do not require consideration or surrender of a right, given in exchange for the promise, to give them validity. Courts of equity, however, will not enforce a specialty contract unless it is founded on a consideration.

Simple contracts do not depend for their validity on any particular formality in their execution, but rather on the existence of a consideration. A simple contract may be written or verbal, or may even be implied from the acts and conduct of the parties manifesting their intentions. It usually comes into existence as the consequence of an offer and acceptance. In contracts entered into by letter, in most jurisdictions, the offer, unless it stipulates otherwise, is deemed to be accepted on the posting of acceptance. In a few states, however, it is held that no acceptance exists until the letter of acceptance is actually received by the person making the offer. Inasmuch as agreement must be in effect in order to create a contract, any mistake in setting forth the terms of the offer or acceptance that should be apparent to the other party negates the agreement, and no contract will arise. A mistake as to some collateral matter, however, will have no effect on the contract, unless induced by fraud, in which case the defrauded party may rescind the contract. Thus, if A, intending to sell property to B for $10,000, inadvertently writes $5,000, and B, who should know of the error, accepts, no contract arises; but if A offers $5,000 because he or she is in error as to the value of the property, a contract does arise.

Simple contracts are frequently classified as express and implied. An express contract is one entered into terms expressed in spoken or written words. An implied contract is one that is inferred from the acts or conduct of the parties.


52. ______ are referred to as contracts of record.( )

A. Specialty contractsB. Simple contracts

C. Conclusive legal obligationsD. Export contracts

53. ______ are required to be written, sealed, and delivered by the party to be bound in accordance with the contracts.( )

A. The formalities of their executionB. Specialty contracts

C. The validity of the contractsD. Promises to pay

54. Simple contracts may be ______.( )

A. oral and may not be executed by the parties to be bound

B. written or verbal and may be implied from the conduct of the parties

C. written and will no be supported by law

D. invalid though they are in a written form

55. For the contract induced by fraud, the defrauded party ______.( )

A. may rescind itB. has to execute it

C. must carry it outD. may not reject it

56. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text ?( )

A. Simple contracts may be implied.

B. Simple contracts may be inferred from the acts of the parties.

C. Specialty contracts may be classified as express.

D. Implied contracts are inferred from conduct of the parties.






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